Following up on my ode to whiteboards, here’s some very practical advice for people researching what flipchart to buy:
Don’t buy one of the 3-legged ones like shown in the image on the left. Maybe it’s just me, but I keep falling over the front legs. Especially when I’m writing while still trying to keep eye contact with other attendees.
I can recommend this model on 5 wheels. Before ordering it, I was worried, that balance might be an issue. I.e. that it might not be possible to write on it without stabilizing the chart with the other hand. I’m glad I ordered it anyway as stability is not a problem and there are no legs to get in the way. You can use it even in very small spaces. Oh, and it’s easier to carry than the 3-legged version, too.
While searching pictures I saw three other types of flipcharts: 1) 4-legged, 2) on 4 wheels in a square, 3) on a bent-back plastic pillar. Unfortunately I’ve never used one of these. Do you know them? Can you advise for or against one of these types?