Two weeks ago I left my job for a 6-month Sabbatical to work on whatever the fuck I want – A big experiment on myself: What will I do when left to my own devices? Actually do stuff or slouch on the couch, eating pralines?
I’m happy to report that I did in fact accomplish something. It’s an app to create nice looking avatars to put on whiteboards, even if you’re not a designer and don’t have graphics software:
I’ve had a lot of fun creating it and learned tons of new stuff. I even did the only-medium-fun parts like Security and so-not-fun-parts like cross browser testing. (Cross-browser = Firefox, Safari, Chrome. Not IE. Life’s too short for supporting IE 😉 Nah, just kidding, I’ll check IE10 sometime this week. Wish me luck!)
It probably helped that after a year as a project manager I was starved for producing something.
I hope you like Board Avatars and that they help make whiteboards nicer somewhere 🙂