As I’m constantly reading, this is the first of probably quite a few book recommendations. Ye have been warned 😉 Up first is not one, but a set of three books by the same authors: You’ve probably heard of them, but if you haven’t read them yet, let me give you a nudge. More of… Continue reading Three Crucial Books
Author: corinna
Distributing Support in Scrum
Wanna know how we distribute support tickets between developers / scrum teams? I’ll first describe an approach that didn’t work, followed by one that works for us (and Immobilienscout24, because we totally copied it from them).
Eliminate Waste: Caretaker of the Week
Apparently I’m stuck on the topic of decisions, but whereas the last post was about manifesting decisions, this one is about avoiding them. Well, at least a certain kind of decisions: The kind where teams need to do something regularly, but it doesn’t matter which team member does it, as long as it gets done.… Continue reading Eliminate Waste: Caretaker of the Week
“Was that a Decision?”
That awkward moment, when you ask “Shall we try that?” and the most response you get is mumbling… You’re not quite sure what to make of it. It usually means that nobody is opposed to the idea, but does anyone want it? So you end up hanging in the air with a non-decision and just… Continue reading “Was that a Decision?”
Cutting Slack in Scrum
Doing Scrum can feel like a rat race: Sprint leads on to sprint leads on to sprint. There is no untracked time. That’s intentional. It helps you find time sinks aka waste. But after sprinting for quite a while our developers pointed out the following problems:
That “New Blog”-smell!
Ah, the promise of a new blog… Isn’t it wonderful? Funny enough, it took me a long time to decide that all my agile-related thoughts deserve a dedicated place. I published a few of those thoughts on my shared computer-related blog, but that blog has a nerdy, non-business vibe to it, and Scrum just didn’t… Continue reading That “New Blog”-smell!